Sunday, June 26, 2016

Worshipper (9 Offices)

These are the offices that was usually used by most catholics as a guidance to reflect on God's existense in our life despite of all the battles we've been in this arena called..Life...

It is God's great happiness to see His children worshipping Him. There are lots of ways on how we can worship God (our Father). Attending a mass is the highest form of worship as we all know. As a worshipper, have we ever asked ourselves, "when was the last time we have attended a mass? or how often do we come/visit him in the blessed sacrament". Those were the question that we need to reflect as a worshipper. It is really a priviledge for me to share with you my personal experience  on how God works.

I was still  young when I already develop and start longing for God. I am a product ofba broken family since then it was only Him whom I conseidered as my kakampi.

All my fears and anger, I blot it out to Him. I never had an experience of having a perfect family. I never had a chance to bond with my family. I grew up immuned with rejection, but when I started to feel His presence , I met people with whom He made as an instrument. It is really a fact that when you started to have a personal relationship with Him, he will always find ways to call your attention specially when you started forgetting Him.

Yes, He will have His own way of calling you through a certain circumstances. For intance, I'd been too busy and very focus on earning, but I am already forgetting Him as the source of everything.

When my manager hit my attention because of my consecutive failure in reaching my goal. It was then that I realized. I'm always crying now because my performance will decide on my Job status. It's always the basis for my long stay in the company.

Sometimes, God pulled us down through pains to teach us a lesson and to remind us of His presence. Let us continue to reflect..."Where are we now on our faith?".

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