Sunday, June 26, 2016

Worshipper (9 Offices)

These are the offices that was usually used by most catholics as a guidance to reflect on God's existense in our life despite of all the battles we've been in this arena called..Life...

It is God's great happiness to see His children worshipping Him. There are lots of ways on how we can worship God (our Father). Attending a mass is the highest form of worship as we all know. As a worshipper, have we ever asked ourselves, "when was the last time we have attended a mass? or how often do we come/visit him in the blessed sacrament". Those were the question that we need to reflect as a worshipper. It is really a priviledge for me to share with you my personal experience  on how God works.

I was still  young when I already develop and start longing for God. I am a product ofba broken family since then it was only Him whom I conseidered as my kakampi.

All my fears and anger, I blot it out to Him. I never had an experience of having a perfect family. I never had a chance to bond with my family. I grew up immuned with rejection, but when I started to feel His presence , I met people with whom He made as an instrument. It is really a fact that when you started to have a personal relationship with Him, he will always find ways to call your attention specially when you started forgetting Him.

Yes, He will have His own way of calling you through a certain circumstances. For intance, I'd been too busy and very focus on earning, but I am already forgetting Him as the source of everything.

When my manager hit my attention because of my consecutive failure in reaching my goal. It was then that I realized. I'm always crying now because my performance will decide on my Job status. It's always the basis for my long stay in the company.

Sometimes, God pulled us down through pains to teach us a lesson and to remind us of His presence. Let us continue to reflect..."Where are we now on our faith?".

Victim of Love (9 OFFICES)

Biblically speaking, we all know that God was the first victim of love for He was crucified for the sake of human salvation.
That is how God expresses His infinite Love for us. He was hurt, He suffered because He love.
In today's generation, only few could truly understand why God became the first victim. It's because most of the creatures who were born in the technological society were already blinded with the mysterious existence of our Almighty. Even in understanding love, we all have a different shape of it. As a soul searcher, I personally have a different view in life and in history. But, when I began to experience God's love, I already have the idea of why he was crucified. Yes, I already know the reason why. However, I'm not yet sure how's that feeling until I realized it through my own experience.
When I was on my teenage years, I was attracted to the religious life. The desire was intense during that time. I was 18 when I finally decided to enter in the convent and say yes to His calling. It was truly different when you began to establish a special connection to our creator. I am confident to say that I'm in love with Him. Those times were really special for me. I've really enjoyed my stay there.
In every stages of my vocation, we were sent home for 15 days to take our vacation and spend time with our family. It was also a moment for us to reflect more on the love of God.
Before I took up my vacation, I already made an application stating my willingness to continue to the next stage of my vocation. Yes, the third stage which is novitiate life. It's the most challenging part of being in the religious life. This will allow a candidate to shape and sharpen the faith through intimate prayer.
Unexpectedly, when I am about to end my stay at the outside world, I changed my mind in just a blink of my eyes. I blowed out the decision, not to come back and continue my stay outside. I wanted to have more exposure and discern more.
I'd been lost for almost 5 years and have been too innocent from the activities of the new face of generation. It was too hard for me to adjust in the first place. One day, I never knew that I was already trapped from the worldly desire. My human desire occurs, it was then when I mumbled a question on my mind, "how was it to be in love with my co-beings?".
Humanly speaking, I fall in love and get hurt. As the years gone by, I still have the same pantings. I longed for someone to love me and when someone came, they will not stay longer. Life is truly a series of games, people don't stay. They usually come and go. I get hurt and cried. I felt rejected and was put to thrash at one instance. It was then that I realized, God's feeling was more painful when I began to reject him and decided to embrace the world than embracing His will for me.
The experience of being broken shaped my whole being and teach me a lot of lessons in life. Yes, I became a victim of love when my lovers broke up with me and divert his attention to another woman. This situation help me to understand more the feeling of how to be a victim of love.

Forever Young

Young, innocent, forever young.If given the chance to go back again and live the life I want to be. I want to stay young forever. At the age of seven, I was already awaken by the sad reality that as you grow old and mature, life seems to be more complicated.
Why did I say this?
Well, it's because of so many things that I've observed in every stages of life. Yes, life is beautiful as the say. If you only know how to live with it and appreciate what's in it. Once you've entered the adolescent stage, you will then start to explore new things, you will experience even worldly and undesirable things.
On the other side, if you will reach the adult stage or maturity stage wherein you are already old enough to know and realized the things that you have done or not, there will be some tendencies that you will just end up regretting everything.
However, if you will just remain young like a baby, you will be innocent and free. You will not be exposed to things that can make your life more worse.
Life is a cycle. After all, time will still come that we will go back to the root where we came from and started our journey in life. We may grow in age, but there will definitely be a twist that we become childish again. A person will certainly undergo that degeneration process, a stage where he or she had so many longings and hang ups during the early stage of life. This is the reason why I want to remain on that certain stage, young and innocent.

How can I forget Hansel and Grethel!?

How can I forget Hansel and Grethel!? On our way today in some village to pick up some people, my eyes were fascinated by the medieval ...